Bert S. Lechner Indie Horror Author

Bert S. Lechner Official Website

Curbside Curses, Golden Spoons, New Stories, and Pride Month

Hello and welcome to June! This month I have a few exciting things going on, so let’s get right to them:

Curbside Curses

I’m excited to share that a short horror story of mine, Room for Two, will be releasing as part of the Curbside Curses anthology on June 25th. This anthology contains 22 stories from different indie authors, all themed around individual items obtained from a singular yard sale.

If you’d like to grab a copy of this collection make sure to check it out on Amazon, as it is available for pre-order up until its release date.

Golden Scoop Nominations

As for my existing works, I’ve been nominated for two separate Golden Scoop awards: one for my collection of occult cosmic horror, The Roots Grow Into the Earth, and one for ‘funniest promotion of a book.’

If you’re a regular reader of horror, and want to support some awesome indie authors, make sure to head over and vote at this link here (if you have read my book and choose to vote for me, I’d be honored):

Upcoming Works

I have not been idle with writing my next book, as well. After the release of my poetry collection, a broken vase, envenomed, my next book is going to be another collection of short horror stories, once again set in the Universe of Roots.

So far I have written the first drafts for seven of the planned short stories, and I have at least something written for all but one of the other six stories. If you miss out on Room for Two this June, you’ll likely be able to read it in this collection as well.

There’s no planned release date for this book, but in all likelihood it will be ready for publication next year.

Pride Month and Fundraising

Last but not least, with June being Pride Month I wanted to make sure to provide what support I can to the LGBTQ+ community. At the end of June I’ll be donating 10% of my book sales to the Trevor Project, which I’ve donated to in the past and provides so many awesome resources to the LGBTQ+ community.

That’s all I have for now. Wishing all a fantastic June, and stay tuned for additional updates on what’s coming.

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About Me

Bert S. Lechner is an indie horror author on the autism spectrum. He started pursuing writing in 2013, but only published his first works in 2022. Bert’s works are influenced by his love of horror, fantasy, and science fiction.


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